What Are The Main Ingredients In A Top Anti-Wrinkle Cream?

Anti-wrinkle creams are popular for a reason. They provide people suffering from wrinkles on the face with the hope that their wrinkles will reduce or completely vanish with regular use of the creams. In order to get the desired results, people must choose the best anti wrinkle cream consumer reports, which consist of the following ingredients:

Coenzyme Q10: It is an antioxidant, which increases cell renewal, attenuates wrinkles, and increases the tissue resistance strength of the skin.

Vitamin A (retinol or retinoic acid): It is an antioxidant, which acts on the skin structure, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers. It can produce photosensitivity, so it should only be used at night.

Vitamin E: It has a cellular repair function.

Vitamin C: It is an antioxidant, which prevents skin aging, necessary for the production of collagen.

Niacin (vitamin B3): It stimulates epidermal cell renewal, reduces the action of tyrosinase (enzyme necessary for the synthesis of melanin) and provides a protective effect against sunspots.

Ceramides: They decrease the action of elastase and collagenases, enzymes that break down collagen and other skin proteins, such as elastin.

Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA): They stimulate cell renewal and increase the thickness of the dermis, through the action of fibroblasts. They promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, improving the appearance of skin wrinkles, increasing elasticity. Among these peptides are:

Glycolic acid: It ensures complete skin renewal and promotes surface hydration.

Salicylic acid: It eliminates dead skin cells and brings radiance while promoting physiological and natural exfoliation.

Hyaluronic Acid: This is a natural component of the skin whose production reduces with age. Its effect is more hydrating and can indirectly help anti-wrinkle care because this molecule is able to absorb up to 1000 times its weight in water.