Reasons to Do Your Accounts Online in Singapore

Moving your accounts online can save you money, time, and heartache when your account package on-premises needs to be upgraded. My clients are slowly but surely being moved to online accounting. Below are some reasons why.

1. There are no upgrades.

I have lost many mornings trying to update on-premises software. Upgrades work fine on one computer but not on the other. You can't then open the data as they all use different versions. It's painful.

2. Flexible Pricing.

Xero online accounting in Singapore allows you to upgrade or downgrade any package at any time.

3. You don't need any hardware.

All you need to work online is an internet connection. It's not necessary to host, maintain, support, or provision your internal infrastructure.

4. Lower total cost of ownership.

All online accounting packages include support as part of their basic pricing. An annual Kashflow subscription costs less than the annual support for most on-premise accountancy packages.

5. Collaboration.

You don't need to back it up before you send it to your accountant. They can log on to access real-time information.

6. Integration.

Xero and other online apps allow integration into a variety of other applications, including CRM, Payroll management, project management, and e-commerce.

7. Lower start-up costs.

If you are confident configuring your own accounting package you can be up and running for 15