Orthodontist In Chevy Chase: The Definitive Guide To Your Best Smile

Orthodontics is the practice of perfecting a person’s smile. It can be used to correct any type of dental problem, including crooked teeth, a misaligned jaw, or an overbite. Orthodontists use various techniques to help patients achieve their desired smile. Some of these techniques include braces, retainers, and Invisalign. 

Braces are the most common type of orthodontic treatment and consist of a series of metal bands that fit around the patient’s teeth. They are worn for a period of time, typically between two and six months. You can hire the orthodontist in Chevy Chase for dental treatment.

What are the benefits of orthodontics?

There are countless benefits to orthodontics, and a great smile is certainly one of them. Orthodontics can help to correct misaligned teeth and improve your oral hygiene by helping to keep your teeth in better alignment. Additionally, orthodontics can help to reduce the severity and incidence of tooth decay, relieve headaches caused by TMJ dysfunction, and even improve facial appearance. If you're interested in improving the aesthetics of your smile or want to avoid some of the aforementioned problems, then Orthodontics may be the right choice for you!

How does orthodontics work?

Orthodontics is a complex and time-consuming dental procedure that aims to correct misalignment of teeth. Orthodontic treatments can be divided into two main categories: corrective orthodontics and cosmetic orthodontics.

Corrective orthodontics are used to treat conditions that cause teeth to move out of alignment, such as an overbite or a crossbite. The orthodontist will first measure the severity of the misalignment and then design a treatment plan specific to your individual case.