How to deal with patellofemoral pain syndrome in the knee?

Problems within the knee of runners is among the most typical too much use injury which athletes get. Knee injuries make up to approximately 25% of the injuries. It is more prevalent in women compared to males. The name which is usually given to this problem is patellofemoral pain syndrome and also runners knee. The patella is the knee cap and the femoral refers to the thigh bone that the knee-cap moves against during movement of the knee while running. The problem really should be considered seriously and taken care of adequately since there is an increased relationship between this condition and osteoarthritis of the knee joint in as people get older.

The usual signs and symptoms are a really gradual start of a dull pain that steadily becomes worse. The pain sensation is generally behind the kneecap which is more painful when walking up steps or running up hills. Besides that, there isn't any conclusive diagnostic criteria for patellofemoral pain syndrome and the identification is usually only applied after other probable reasons happen to be ruled out. Commonly, the signs and symptoms arise following a period of an increase in the training or running amount which was too rapid for the knee to adjust to those loads. Additionally, it could occur after a alteration of the running or workout routine, like the changeover from street running to speed running in order to get ready for a race. Feet that overpronates or rolls in too much with the ankle is usually regarded as an issue which increases the risk for the disorder. A lack of strength in the muscles about the hip joint are likewise an issue in patellofemoral pain syndrome.

The real key strategy to the treating of this in athletes is education. The runner must know exactly what the nature of the disorder is, what they really want to do with regards to adjusting their training or running loads in order that there aren't any spikes in there running volumes, and just what the implications of the disorder long-term and the importance to get over it as quickly as possible.

To deal with the problem with the foot overpronation, foot orthotics to aid that and also guidance concerning the good running footwear may be needed. They will have to be adapted to over time and may help lower some of the stress on the knee joint that could be creating the condition. A podiatrist can help with this.

The muscle power and motor control regarding the hip is every bit as crucial and must be attended to. The physical therapist can deal with that. The muscles that must be strengthened include those that abduct the hip and also the quadriceps musles at the front of the thigh. Both these muscles are extremely important in controlling the knee joint and then any lack of strength with them is not only likely to predispose to the condition, it is going to lengthen the healing. The ability of the runners to control the knee is additionally usually looked at and worked on by the physical therapist using a variety of exercises and running cues.

All of these matters have been recently hammered out by a specialist in patellofemoral pain syndrome, the physio therapist Dr Christian Barton in the newly released episode of the podiatry related chat, PodChatLive.