How Is Gum Disease Treated?

Gum disease is most commonly treated with a process called scaling and root planing. This involves the removal of tartar (hardened plaque) and bacteria from the teeth and gums, as well as smoothing out any rough spots on the roots of the teeth where bacteria can hide. In some cases, your dentist or periodontist may also recommend antibiotics to help clear the infection.

If your gum disease is more severe, you may need surgery to clean out the infected tissue and promote healing. Surgery options include flap surgery, bone grafts, and tissue regeneration. These procedures are usually done by a periodontist.

No matter what treatment you receive for gum disease, it is important to get more info about brushing and flossing your teeth regularly and see your dentist for regular checkups. With proper care, you can keep your gums healthy and avoid further damage. 

It is important to be proactive about your oral health and see a dentist regularly to prevent gum disease. However, if you do develop gum disease, it is important to know how it is diagnosed and treated so that you can get back on the road to recovery. Gum disease is usually diagnosed through a physical examination and X-rays, and treatment typically involves scaling and root planing to remove the tartar buildup from your teeth. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to restore the health of your gums. 

If you have gum disease, it is important to be proactive about your treatment so that you can avoid serious complications. With the right care, you can keep your smile healthy for years to come.