Facebook Messenger Bot Builder Could Bring Back the “Mobile Monkey” For Facebook

A Facebook Chatbot is a program designed to utilize AI (artificially intelligent) technology to communicate directly with other users. In short, a bot is a software specifically designed to do automated functions without necessarily being able to speak or understand human languages. Facebook bots can understand what they're being asked by the user and can formulate an appropriate response. Bots are usually integrated with Facebook groups, businesses and schools. They also play an important role in online interaction, especially with businesses and groups. As we all know, Facebook is the leading social networking website in the world today.

To take it one step further, the Facebook Messenger Bot can also integrate with mobile apps. The integration will help create a conversational experience for Facebook users. Today, most people use their mobile phones and tablet computers as substitutes for desktop computers. Therefore, the expansion of the mobile apps to include chat features is a natural step in making the Facebook Messenger Bot more useful to users.

Facebook Messenger Bot is not the only Facebook application that's currently being integrated with bot-based programs to make communicating more fun and interactive. The Facebook application "Chatter" uses chat bots as well. These chat bots allow users to make use of visual and audio tools to let their chat buddies know how they're doing and what's going on.

The new Facebook Messenger Bot also has the capability to integrate with webhook websites. This is a type of web service that enables you to have custom elements appear on your Facebook web page. For example, if you're running a restaurant, your business page could include coupons and discounts. If you're an artist, you could add your webhook URL to the sidebar of the Facebook Messenger Bot. With webhook integration, you can have images, avatars, comments, and links appear as soon as people connect to your Facebook profile through the bot.

Since the Facebook Messenger Bot is a Facebook application, it may also be able to answer questions and send messages to Facebook friends. In fact, the Facebook Chatbot is already capable of doing these tasks because it has the "ask" and "save" functions. It's also possible that the bot will enable customers to directly contact the company's representatives. If it's popular enough, more companies may realize the potential benefits of letting their Facebook customers have direct interactions with company representatives.

Facebook chat bots may be particularly useful if you want to reach out to your customer base. Since it's now easier to contact everyone who has connected to your Facebook account, you don't need to create a Facebook application just for it. Instead, you can link the webhook from your Facebook homepage to the webhook of other websites. For example, if you have a blog or a website that offers information about cooking, you can incorporate an application that will allow customers to search for recipes using your webhook. Once they're on your site, they can search and view your latest cookbook articles.

As seen above, there are six million advertisers who have already started to take advantage of Facebook's newly introduced WebRTC initiative. However, many experts believe that Facebook's upcoming smartphone offering may finally kill the app for good. A new Facebook Messenger Bot feature called "WebRTC", or Web Presence Integration, will allow Internet users to chat with each other using applications like Skype and Google Chrome. In the future, these chat apps will support WebRTC calls and audio streaming. By enabling browsers to speak the web's text format, Facebook Messenger Bot could pave the way for the company to promote its own applications as a replacement for the web messenger.

According to analysts, it is still too early to say goodbye to the mobile monkey. Facebook's decision to integrate the bot builder into Facebook messaging may pave the way for the giant to bring back the chatbot in addition to the Facebook Mobile Marketplace. However, whether or not Facebook will develop its own smartphone app remains to be seen. The company has been spending on improving the Facebook mobile app and has yet to announce any major additions. And even if it does, it may be some time before we see official announcements from the company.