Components of HVAC Systems In Burlington NC

The article discusses the various components of an HVAC system and how they work together to provide comfortable air temperature and humidity levels in a room. You can also browse this site to get more knowledge about HVAC systems in Burlington NC.

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In order to understand the function of an HVAC system, it is important to understand the different components that make it up. A HVAC system includes a furnace, air handler, ductwork, registers, and fans. The furnace heats the air and transfers that heat to the ductwork, which then delivers the heated air to the appropriate rooms. The registers distribute that heat evenly throughout the room. Finally, the fans are used to circulate the air and remove moisture from it.

HVAC systems are made up of a variety of components, which can be grouped into four main categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal and air quality. Mechanical components include fans, blowers, coils and fans. Electrical components include switches, wiring and converters. Thermal components include heat exchangers and flues. Air quality components include filters and ductwork.

Mechanical Components

Fans: Fans are the most common mechanical component in HVAC systems. A fan uses airflow to move air around a room. A fan with a high CFM (cubic feet per minute) rating moves more air than a fan with a low CFM rating.

Blowers: Blowers are used to circulate air throughout a building or structure. They have three main types: axial flow blowers, centrifugal flow blowers and vented blowers.

Coils: Coils are used to transfer heat from one area of a building to another. They come in two types: finned coil and sheet metal coil.